Meet MDR Standards with Our Validation and Clinical Investigation Translation Services

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Medical Devices – Validation and Clinical Investigation Translation Services

Dependable, innovative solutions to help you meet medical device regulatory standards. 

Easily navigate evolving medical device regulatory standards for your R&D processes. Trust our experienced support to help you meet MDR standards and efficiently handle your medical device translation requirements. Get support for integrating safety and surveillance data with documentation from the design stage. We can assist with your:

  • IQ/OQ/PQ documentation
  • Clinical validation
  • Clinical performance
  • Risk management

Clinical Investigations and Language Challenges Under the MDR

The MDR applies across the full lifecycle of devices produced, marketed, and distributed through the EU. This multiplies linguistic requirements. Discover how Lionbridge can simplify your clinical investigations.

Lionbridge’s Thought Leadership on Clinical Investigation Translation Services for Medical Devices

We understand the complexities and regulatory challenges of life sciences medical device translations. More from our experts: 

Enhancing Informed Consent Communications

Get guidance for creating patient communications to improve informed consent processes in clinical trials.

Tactics for More Diverse Trial Recruitment

Learn key tactics to improve clinical trial recruitment and start recruiting patients from diverse populations.

Clinical Investigation Applications Under the MDR

Country-level regulations still apply to clinical investigations. Learn how the MDR alters language requirements and how new guidance can help you prepare for EUDAMED.

How to Engage Patients with Lionbridge

Find out four areas where sponsors, researchers, and medical professionals can improve the patient participant experience.

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