Content Services
- Technical Writing
- Training & eLearning
- Financial Reports
- Digital Marketing
- SEO & Content Optimization
Translation Services
- Video Localization
- Software Localization
- Website Localization
- Translation for Regulated Companies
- Interpretation
- Instant Interpreter
- Live Events
- Language Quality Services
Testing Services
- Functional QA & Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Interoperability Testing
- Performance Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- UX/CX Testing
- Translation Service Models
- Machine Translation
- Smart Onboarding™
- Aurora AI Studio™
Our Knowledge Hubs
- Positive Patient Outcomes
- Modern Clinical Trial Solutions
- Future of Localization
- Innovation to Immunity
- COVID-19 Resource Center
- Disruption Series
- Patient Engagement
- Lionbridge Insights
Life Sciences
- Pharmaceutical
- Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Approval
- Corporate
- Medical Devices
- Validation and Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Authorization
- Corporate
Banking & Finance
Consumer Packaged Goods
Industrial Manufacturing
Legal Services
Travel & Hospitality
Your organization is global.
You want to be everywhere. But your customers want you to be local. So, there's your challenge. You're a global brand—unified, far-reaching, and consistent—and you're a local brand—fluent, nuanced, and familiar. How do you thrive while juggling these seemingly conflicting priorities?
Long gone are the days when mere translation got the job done. Pure translation can communicate the basics of one language in another—but today's brands are coming to terms with what they've suspected all along: consumers are anything but basic, and relationships and personalization matter more than ever. If you're depending on translation alone, you won't be successful in building relationships with customers seeking personal experiences in every corner of the world.
Here's why: Relationships depend on emotion, and triggering the emotions that result in customer loyalty varies by region, culture, and background. In short, you need to tweak your unified, consistent brand voice so it matches the local dialects and norms of each and every customer worldwide. You need localization.
So here you are, ready to be more global—and more local—than ever before. You've got some shopping to do. Here's your guide to knowing what to buy when it comes to localization services.
Download our Buyer's Guide for Localization Services and find out how to choose the perfect partner.