Content Services
- Technical Writing
- Training & eLearning
- Financial Reports
- Digital Marketing
- SEO & Content Optimization
Translation Services
- Video Localization
- Software Localization
- Website Localization
- Translation for Regulated Companies
- Interpretation
- Instant Interpreter
- Live Events
- Language Quality Services
Testing Services
- Functional QA & Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Interoperability Testing
- Performance Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- UX/CX Testing
- Translation Service Models
- Machine Translation
- Smart Onboarding™
- Aurora AI Studio™
Our Knowledge Hubs
- Positive Patient Outcomes
- Modern Clinical Trial Solutions
- Future of Localization
- Innovation to Immunity
- COVID-19 Resource Center
- Disruption Series
- Patient Engagement
- Lionbridge Insights
Life Sciences
- Pharmaceutical
- Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Approval
- Corporate
- Medical Devices
- Validation and Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Authorization
- Corporate
Banking & Finance
Consumer Packaged Goods
Industrial Manufacturing
Legal Services
Travel & Hospitality
Human curiosity and passion for discovery has led to frequent innovation. The world now holds its collective breath that the innovative application of mRNA technology and ‘crippled’ chimpanzee adenovirus will deliver immunity to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the past 25 years Lionbridge has partnered with pharmaceutical companies to help them deliver medicine safely and market it globally. We help you connect with global markets and with regulators, researchers, healthcare professionals, patients and users during research, development, registration, marketing and life cycle management of medicinal drugs and medical devices.
It is your job to develop the life-saving drugs that make the world a healthier place. Let us worry about your content, helping you bring your messages and products to the world – safely, accurately and efficiently.
This center offers tips for professionals in a clinical trial, regulatory or marketing role looking to guide others through the pandemic from innovation to immunity, illumination to insight. Our experts share insights on diversity within clinical trials, the clinical and regulatory vaccine process, and vaccine distribution and acceptance.
Our campaign on the Covid-19 Vaccine offer the perspectives of leaders on this groundbreaking endeavor.
Let our team partner with yours to turn sensitive, complex and frequently-changing content into words that resonate with every end user – from regulatory boards to care providers to patients – around the world. Contact us and speak with an expert to learn how we can support you.