Content Services
- Technical Writing
- Training & eLearning
- Financial Reports
- Digital Marketing
- SEO & Content Optimization
Translation Services
- Video Localization
- Software Localization
- Website Localization
- Translation for Regulated Companies
- Interpretation
- Instant Interpreter
- Live Events
- Language Quality Services
Testing Services
- Functional QA & Testing
- Compatibility Testing
- Interoperability Testing
- Performance Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- UX/CX Testing
- Translation Service Models
- Machine Translation
- Smart Onboarding™
- Aurora AI Studio™
Our Knowledge Hubs
- Positive Patient Outcomes
- Modern Clinical Trial Solutions
- Future of Localization
- Innovation to Immunity
- COVID-19 Resource Center
- Disruption Series
- Patient Engagement
- Lionbridge Insights
Life Sciences
- Pharmaceutical
- Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Approval
- Corporate
- Medical Devices
- Validation and Clinical
- Regulatory
- Post-Authorization
- Corporate
Banking & Finance
Consumer Packaged Goods
Industrial Manufacturing
Legal Services
Travel & Hospitality
Name: Nathalie Gamboa
Hometown/Lionbridge Office:
Costa Rica GDC
Job Title:
Human Resources Manager
How long have you been at Lionbridge?
Almost two years.
What does a typical work day look like for you?
Inbox review, follow up on my “to do” list, meet regularly with the managers to provide support and guidance for HR-related matters, work along with the HR Generalist to provide support to our site.
What is your favorite place in your office?
My current work spot, because I have a window right next to me with a great view!
What is the best part of your job?
The ability to help my colleagues with different topics or situations, and the knowledge that I can actually go beyond my role to make a difference in their professional and personal lives.
I speak 2 languages (list them!)—English and my native language, Spanish.
My favorite local saying is ______, [and it means ______, if not English].
“Mas vale pájaro en mano que 100 volando,” and it means, “It’s better to have 1 sure thing in your hands than a 100 out in the air.”
A tourist visiting my city shouldn’t miss…
“La Casona de Laly,” which is a great restaurant to get Costa Rican food and try a little bit of everything!
My coworkers would say my weirdest habit is…
Singing childhood songs when I’m working super focused…
Outside of work, I always make time for…
Going out with my husband and my dog to have some fun!
My hidden talent is…
Singing (but I don’t like to do it in public).
Closing a hire and/or a requisition makes me roar.